I am worried to change my web designer

Changing Web Designer and Hosting

Business owners often face challenges when changing web designers due to the fear of losing their website and distrust stemming from past experiences. This is encapsulated by the English proverb “Once Bitten, Twice Shy.” How can you switch web designers smoothly without encountering issues? Is there a risk that your former web developer might sabotage your website or disrupt the project if you decide to make a change?

Common dillema

  1. Can I use the new hosting?
    Yes but you need to have some technical knowledge to managed your hosting. If you dont have any technical knowlege, please do now host it yourself
  2. Can my ex web developer sabotage my new website ?
    To prevent any act of sabotage, host your new website in a new hosting environment. Do not give any access to the previous web designger
  3. Can my new web designer do a good job?
    Yes, Nova always deliver a good job. It is crucial to tell your web designer your requirements to prevent from any misunderstanding
  4. How will my new web designer do a good job?
    Good idea to have a primilary web layout before starting your website. You may need to spend $$ a bit to get a sketch up before developer designed your website. 
  5. Will i have problem with new email account?
    Please consult your web developerr. They will help you to check and see how to salvage the email account
  6. Should i be using Windows hosting or linux hosting ?
    Would not be a problem  to use windows or linux hosting. Make sure the windows come with php module