Can i buy and pay my own hosting and domain?


Many have asked me this question when dealing with web hosting. Before I conclude whether you should or should not engage for web management services, let’s look at some of the key concern questions.

  1. How much is web management fees charged by web developers?
  2. What are the services provided by the web developer?
  3. Can you manage it yourself? do you have the know-how to do it?

How much are the web management fees charged by web developers?
Web management fees range from RM 400/year to RM 5k/month. You will not need web management services if you are running an HTML & CSS site.MY OPINION

  1. HTML  and CSS sites do not need web management services. Just engage someone from fiver to help you to update your work.
  2. If you are running WordPress with tons of plugins, you should always engage a web developer
  3. If you are running a website that runs on Laravel, CI4, NODE, Express, Next.JS and etc, I hope you pay your web developer to manage it because when it breaks… NO ONE CAN ACTUALLY SAVE YOU.  ANGELS WILL RUN AWAY TOO.  

What are the services provided in the web management fees?
Nothing to update and it is stable for any breakdown to occur.

WordPress: Backup and restoration and patch-up revision and updates of themes and plugins. Services include plugin configuration, themes configuration, and PHP configuration.

Other Framework: PHP updates, framework updates, package management updates, database management, server management, backup and restoration

Can you manage it yourself?
For basic HTML sites, you can easily manage it. For WordPress, it is hard to answer you. As for Framework websites, I don’t think you can manage them unless you work in the IT field.

To save money, why not take up some UDEMY courses to learn to fix your website? It only cost RM 49 to learn from UDEMY. You can save thousands by fixing it yourself.