[DANGER] Part Time Freelance Web Developer

Many SMEs are opting for cheap freelance software developers NOT knowing the risk. Sad to say that 99% of SMEs do not understand the risk they are putting themselves.  I have been a software developer for nearly 10 years. In the last 10 years, I am sad to say that 10% of the SMEs got cheated very badly after engaging freelancers. You may be wondering what are the risks when you hire freelancers to develop your website.


Security breach

[FREELANCER DANGER] Most freelancers or part-timers do not care about the website. They don’t update the website or web server and take precautions if the website fails. Most of the time they will use Pirated software to build websites. Since freelancers do not commit to staying long in the industry and aim to earn a couple of bucks while searching for a job, why must they be obligated to serve and give you the best?

It is super hard to get another web agency to fix the problem because they hate to pick up someone else problem. The newly engaged company will eventually ask you to pay for a new web development cost and sadly most of the data or the mail data will be lost. So are you ready for a fresh start? All the hard work is gone!!!!! Your contacts, previous invoices, and previous quotations in webmail are all GONE.

Look at the example below. Can you fix this issue? Do you think a new web agency will pick up this problem?

  • Do you think your part-time freelancers are still available to fix this issue once he lands a new 8-5 job?  Do you think he still cares about your website? Do you think your part-time freelancer will take the trouble to go to your office to earn a couple of hundred while neglecting his permanent job in an MNC company? If you are a freelancer and landed yourself in an MNC company, will you take TIME OFF to fix your previous build website? Software developers are smart ppl, they know what pays them well…..

When companies consider hiring freelance web developers, one of the paramount concerns that often deters them is security. The digital landscape is fraught with risks, and businesses are increasingly aware of the potential vulnerabilities associated with freelance engagements. Freelancers typically operate from remote locations using their own hardware and software setups, which may not meet the stringent security standards upheld by corporations.

This decentralized approach can expose companies to a myriad of cyber threats such as data breaches, malware infections, and unauthorized access. Moreover, freelancers may not always be subject to the same rigorous vetting processes that in-house employees undergo. Background checks and thorough assessments of cybersecurity knowledge might be overlooked or simplified due to time constraints or budget considerations. Consequently, there’s an elevated risk that sensitive company information could fall into the wrong hands or be mishandled due to a lack of proper training in cybersecurity protocols.

The absence of direct oversight further compounds these issues. Unlike full-time employees who work within a controlled environment under continuous supervision, freelancers enjoy a level of autonomy that might lead to lapses in following best practices for data protection and secure coding standards. This independence can make it difficult for companies to enforce compliance with their internal security policies. Additionally, freelancers often juggle multiple projects simultaneously for different clients.

This multitasking raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and inadvertent sharing or leaking of confidential information between projects. In summary, while freelance web developers offer flexibility and cost advantages, the security risks they introduce can outweigh these benefits for many companies.

Lost of data such as (Emails and web data)

[FREELANCER DANGER] It is common for freelance web developers to deploy cheap and unsustainable software for their web applications. Since freelancers do not care about the longevity of the project, why should they commit to giving you the best or even consulting you on the best available options?

If the project cost of building a website is RM 1000, what type of server will he get you?  What type of software and themes will he purchase for you? Crack or pirated software[themes] from Sho@#$%  are damn cheap and unreliable. Cheap hosting has many issues and you will notice it 1 to 2 years down the road. By then it will be too late since your website will be constantly bombarded with spam and the website will always be having great downtime.

Below are pirated themes illegally purchased and used to build your website. If your freelance web developer is asking for a small fee, buying a genuine theme that costs up to RM 300 is impossible. With a low budget, don’t expect you to get a genuine theme ya. Not just that, the web hosting will be low in quality too.

Pirated Themes [ Are you not worried your freelance web developer uses pirated and malware themes]

Pirated Themes [ Are you not worried your freelance web developer uses poor performing server]


Locked out from your own systems

[FREELANCER DANGER] Lost of access to your server once the freelancer left the field. Most of the time you will lose access to the administrator page. Are you not worried? If a freelancer decides to move on or becomes unavailable suddenly, it disrupts workflow continuity and poses risks related to knowledge transfer gaps.


To be honest, I have seen many of these cases happen.  It was so bad that the owner reported it to the police and nothing could be done. Don’t mention taking legal action because this takes time and by the time everything settles, your business will be badly affected. Imagine if this happens to an airline business and while it takes few months to solve this, by then the company would be badly damaged beyond repair.


NOVA 5 stars Rating. Reliable We Developer

Engage Nova, A full-time web developer with a legit company operating for more than 10 years. “Don’t be PENNY WISE POUND FOOLISH”.